Face to Face is Better: Meetings are Opportunities


Face to Face


Face-to-face, phone or email: I’m often given the choice. And I always opt for in-person meetings when possible.

95% of people say that face-to-face meetings are essential for long-term business, building trust and encouraging strong relationships.


Three reasons why face-to-face is better:

1. Your personality shines through.

Your passion for your work shows. Facial expressions, hand gestures, eye contact…the things that make you a good communicator…are more obvious in person.

2. Some people communicate better in person.

I can’t see you when we’re on the phone (unless we’re using a video conference platform). When you live and work in the same city as your clients, meet with them! It’s much easier to see their reactions to ideas in person.

Some people don’t like the phone.

They’re unable to really discuss a project like they could if you’re sitting right there with them. They can show you what they’re talking about.

And email can really be difficult.

A simple question? Email is great. Needing clarification on a project, or having a problem with the direction a project is going — this warrants at LEAST a phone call, if not a personal meeting.

3. Having visuals helps reinforce the assignment.

My biggest road blocks have come from trying to execute a project without a great creative brief and a meeting. There is a disconnect.

When my clients have examples of things they like (or don’t like!), their direction is clearer. Verbalizing is sometimes okay. But if I can see it, pick it up, feel the paper, flip the pages, it makes it easier.

If you are looking for a graphic designer, contact me and let’s sit down together to discuss.