I realize I’m posting at a less than optimum time from a business standpoint. But maybe you are checking your social media today, and it seems like an appropriate time to talk about giving. Maybe you’re finishing up your 2019 goals — adding a picture to your vision board or sticking notes up to remind you of good habits for the new year.
I was watching “Good Morning America” just now and they had a super segment on giving. Wharton Professor Adam Grant’s book, Give and Take, talks about “The Five Minute Favor”. So, you spend five minutes a day crafting a thank you, writing a book review, recommending a peer on LinkedIn. You do something to help someone else out.
Two of the professional groups I’ve been involved in, BNI and Rotary, have tag lines that boast the benefits of giving:
- BNI: Givers gain.
- Rotary: Service above self. They profit most who serve best.
People remember you when you help them. So give your time and knowledge. And if you want to know more about what goes into designing a logo, contact me. I’m happy to share!